Coming Clean

Proper care for your swimwear

We put it on our garment tags. We post tips at our eStore. Unlike other companies, we don't want your suits to wear out, which is why we give instructions on proper care for your Mermaid-wear! I know women who have Pualani suits that came out in our first year of doing business (16+ years). How did they last so long? Those mermaids took great care of them. 


A few things to remember:


Rinsing in water alone is good now and then but sooner (rather than later) you're going to have to wash your bikini. Why? Your skin. Skin is the largest organ of our body. It is a miraculous system in and of itself. It keeps us warm when we're cold and cool when we're hot. It secretes things through the pores - Here is what your skin is transferring to your apparel:


• Sweat

• Body oil (sebum)

• Bacteria

• Toxins (pollution, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, chlorine, etc.)


This is a mix of natural and chemical components that will deteriorate fabric and corrode metal clasps buckles, and underwires. Additionally, whether its a pool, lake, or ocean, there are chemicals and pollutants that are getting into the suit. What's the solution?


Hand wash with a mild soap or use the delicate setting on your washing machine. Rinse thoroughly. Do not wring out. Hang dry. Cold water is best and if you have surf wax buildup, use warm water.


SO easy and you'll love wearing your suits for many years.


Mahalo for being a Pualani Hawaii Mermaid!


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