When One Door Closes...
We've all heard the saying, "When one door closes, another opens." In our case, TWO opened!
This past March, we were notified that our Pualani Honolulu store would not be up for lease renewal. We had ten sensational years there and made a lot of mermaid friends in that time. At first, we considered finding a new location and continue to do business as usual. As we began the search, I received two calls from retail owners who wanted to increase our presence in their stores - what a blessing!
Our good friends at Waikiki Beachboys at the Sheraton in Waikiki will be carrying a much larger selection of Pualani bikinis, cover ups, and accessories: 2255 Kalakaua Avenue (808) 922-1823
the newly opened Born of the Water at Ala Moana Mall will carry our entire swimwear line. It's on the lower level of the mauka side of the mall (808) 218-5259
I mentioned 2 doors opening... I'll let you know soon about a third door that's on the horizon.
Mahalo for being a Pualani Hawaii Mermaid!
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